Crony is a pal for mobile app testers and developers.

Crony brings them closer together to capture and share information in real-time.

Find out all the accessibility violations with Crony during the development phase.
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Crony records app execution, network calls, views, spinners, gestures, log messages, crash logs, and performance. View recordings and annotations right on your device. Record screenshots as-needed or always.

Replay a previously recorded session. When replaying, your app is executing by itself and you can attach the debugger to step through the code. Always reproduce the bugs that are hard to reproduce.

Share full or partial recordings right from the device using the apps like messenger, slack etc. Send them to content management systems (SharePoint), bugtracking systems (Jira etc.) from the device

Developers and app owners get all the information they need without any communication failures to fix the issues
Simple and Secure
Crony is very simple to setup in your organization. There are no servers to setup and connect to.
The data Crony collects stays on the device. You have an option to share the data to your organization's communication channels and bug tracking systems
XCode Integration
  1. Drag Crony folder and drop it into your XCode project
  2. Select "Copy items if needed" and "Create groups" options
  3. Select the targets and click Finish
  4. Go to Build Settings and add -ObjC as additional linker flag
  5. Open your AppDelehgate.m file include BSCrony.h
  6. In didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, add the following line;
    1. [BSCrony initializeCrony:BSCronyModePrompt sessionId:nil];
      1. Compile and run the app
      When your app is running, just swipe from left edge of your device or simulator to bring Crony view.
      Key Features
      1. Detect Accessibility Violations
      2. Record and Replay app execution
      3. Screen recording with voice annotations
      4. Screenshots
      5. Network Calls, Views, Spinners, and user gestures
      6. Log messages
      7. Performance metrics (CPU, MEM, Disk, and Battery)
      8. Crash logs
      9. On-device view of the recordings and Crash Logs
      10. On screen annotations
      11. Channel integrations for collaboration